
Building Manager and Concierge Contacts

Mobile: 0488 900 467
Mobile: 0412 996 946
A/H Security Officer 0488 900 467
Richardson Strata Management Services (08) 9472 1833

Emergency Maintenance

If you experience an emergency after hours, please read the important information below.

To ensure this information is on hand when required, we recommend that you print it off and keep it near your phone.

Please bear in mind that in relation to your strata complex, urgent maintenance or an emergency of any occurrence that is immediately potentially hazardous to the health & safety of any residents or visitors or puts your property at risk of significant damage or additional damage.

If the occurrence can wait until the following business day to be repaired, it should NOT be treated as an after-hours emergency. Remember that after hours call outs are costly and ultimately you will be paying for this via your strata levies.

If you are a TENANT, then you MUST contact your property manager or Lot owner to arrange repairs within your lot.

Please note that if the matter is NOT and emergency or does not relate to the common property then you will be responsible for the costs.

No gas, hot water and / or electricity in your unit.

Check with your neighbours to see if they are experiencing the same problem as it may be isolated to your unit, check Gas/Water isolation valve behind a door next to the bins in your lift foyer. For any hot water issues, you should arrange a contractor directly (own cost).

If the issue is affecting multiple units and / or the common areas, you should in the first instance contact the local authority to see if the outage is affecting the entire suburb.

Electrical power faults and emergencies (Western Power) 13 13 15

Water Corporation
Gas Faults (ATCO)
A/H Security Officer 13 13 75
13 13 52

You can also access faults via the internet using the following links:
Wester Power

Water Corporation

Plumbing – blockages and leaks
In the event of a major blockage that is or could become a health hazard or cause damage to your lot and common property, please contact the Building manager for a preferred plumber. After hours you may need to contact Richardson Strata Management Services office if sewage is entering the lot. All other plumbing issues you may need organise an emergency plumber to attend, often these blockages are at the expense of the lot plumber (own cost).

Roof Sprinkler System Leak
Urgently call the building manager and concierge, do not wait as these leaks can be very damaging.

Electrical power outage
If after checking that the fault is isolated to your unit and you have checked the RCD and safety switches (usually located behind the laundry door) if still have no power, please contact the Concierge or Building manager.

Glass damage
In the event of accidental or malicious glass breakage in common area contact the Concierge or Building manager otherwise if the damage is in your apartment call a glazier (own cost).

Carpark gates
For any issues with a remote control for the carpark please check using a different remote, if needed change battery and otherwise contact the Building Manager during working hours.

If the gate is damaged and cannot be opened or closed, please then the Concierge or Building manager.

Storm Damage
State Emergency Services - 9323 9300 or 132 500

Contact the Building manager and the Richardson Strata Management Services Insurance to lodge a claim with the building insurer.
Richardson Strata Management Services Office - 08 9472 1833

In the event of the lift not working contact the Concierge or Building manager. If you are inside the lift, then use the emergency button.

KONE - 24 Hour Customer Service: 1-300-362-022
Alternatively contact the Building manager.

After hours lock outs
Contact the Building Manager Ph: 0488 900 467, or Concierge Ph: 0412 996 946, for assistance and directions. You will be responsible for all call out fees incurred when contacting and using this service.

Other Important Contact
Emergency Services

Central Perth Station - 9222 1111
General enquires (non-emergency situations) - 13 14 44
Emergencies (life threatening situations) - 000

Alternatively contact the Building manager.

Crime stoppers
To report illegal or suspicious criminal activity 1800 333 000

General enquires (non-emergency assistance) 9323 9300
Emergencies (life threatening situations) 000
FESA 1300 130 039 / 1800 199 084

Emergencies (life threatening situations) 000
Royal Perth Hospital 9224 2244
Sir Charles Gardner Hospital 9346 3333

Help Lines
Life Line 13 11 14
Domestic violence help line (women) 9223 1188 / 1800 007 339
Domestic violence help line (men) 9223 1199 / 1800 000 599
Poisons Information 13 11 26
Alcohol and drug information 9442 5000
Family help line 9223 1100
City of Perth Ranger Customer Service: (08) 9461 3333

RSPCA 9248 3155
TransPerth 13 62 13

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